HBM Laboratory is now open for sample drop-off. Please take a look HERE for information on sample size requirement and sample submission prior to coming to our office.
About Us
HBM Environmental Laboratory
HBM Environmental Laboratory is located in downtown Vancouver. We offer asbestos, lead, and mold (mould) testing. We have fast turnaround times available for most services. Our certified, experienced, and knowledgeable analysts are able to provide cost effective, accurate, and reliable analytical services. Our clients include various school districts, government organizations, developers, building managers, general contractors, abatement & demolition contractors, as well as homeowners.
Our Analysts
All analysts at HBM Environmental Laboratory were trained and certified at the world renowned McCrone Research Institute in Chicago, Illinois. Our senior analyst has over 10 years of experience analyzing asbestos bulk and air samples. Our analysts conducts in-house quality control program as well as participates in the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) quality control program for asbestos bulk sample analysis and the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation (CALA) quality control program for asbestos air analysis. Our quality control measures exceed all requirements of the WorkSafeBC.